Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Whey protein is also good in building and gaining of muscles.The human body needs a constant supply of protein to repair and build living tissue. Protein plays an essential role in the production of honnones, blood hemoglobin, antibodies, new muscle tissue and virtually every metabolic process. In order to maintain existing cells, lost protein must be replaced. In order to gain new tissue, protein must be present

The body cannot repair itself and new muscle cannot be formed if essential amino acids are not present. No protein can be made and the recovery of damaged tissue is hampered. To make up for a deficiency in essential amino acids, the body will break apart incomplete dietary protein and release it back into the blood stream until the missing essential amino acid becomes available. If the essential amino acid is not delivered soon enough, the incomplete protein is transported to the liver where it is separated from its nitrogen base. The amino acids remaining are then converted to glucose (blood sugar) and used as energy or stored as glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue. These leftover amino acids can also be stored as fat.

If all essential amino acids are present, the body can manufacture nonessential amino acids. Nonessential does not mean, however, that these amino acids are not important. As medical science has discovered, the unavailability of certain nonessential amino acids can trigger serious disease processes.During times of stress such as surgery, illness, training or an extreme emotional burden, the body needs more L-arginine, L-glutamne, and L-histidine. Consequently, these three anino acids are considered essential

More and more studies are identifying the benefits and the biological properties of whey protein as a high quality source of these essential, nonessential, and conditional essential amino acids.

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